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Walls of Eden

Where Art and Nature Collide

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Walls of Eden

Where Art and Nature Collide

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Frequently Asked Questions

0121 819 0124

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What is moss art?

Moss walls are unique and innovative interior design installations that incorporate real moss and plants. They create a captivating and natural ambiance, bringing the beauty of nature indoors and fostering a deep connection with the environment.

How do moss walls work?

Moss walls utilise preserved or live moss and plants, carefully arranged, and mounted on a backing panel. The moss is preserved through a specialised process that retains its natural texture and appearance. These installations require minimal maintenance and can thrive in indoor environments without the need for soil or watering.

Are Walls of Eden’s designs hard to maintain?

Walls of Eden’s tiles offer unparalleled ease of maintenance. The moss within the designs requires no watering or direct sunlight, ensuring a hassle-free upkeep. Occasional dusting or gentle brushing is all that’s needed to maintain their pristine appearance. Additionally, the tiles’ clever design allows for easy removal and replacement of isolated tiles in case of any damage, ensuring a seamless and convenient solution.

Are Walls of Eden’s panels easy to install?

Installing the panels is a straightforward process by screwing the backing panel into the wall. For solid walls, it is recommended to use suitable wall plugs to support the weight. In the case of partition walls, multiple screws into timber supports are advised. Panels can weigh up to 50kg, so proper installation ensures stability and safety.

How long do moss walls last?

With proper care and maintenance, moss walls can last for several years, retaining their lush and vibrant appearance. Preserved moss can remain in excellent condition for an extended period, providing long-lasting beauty to the interior space.

Are moss walls sustainable?

Yes, moss walls are highly sustainable and eco-friendly. The use of preserved moss eliminates the need for constant watering and minimises the impact on natural resources, making them an environmentally conscious choice.

How much do moss walls cost?
The cost of moss walls can vary depending on the size, complexity of design, and specific requirements of the installation. It is best to contact Walls of Eden for a personalised quote based on your project needs.
Do moss walls attract insects?

No, preserved moss used in moss walls is not conducive to attracting insects or pests. As a preserved product, it does not provide a habitat or food source for insects, ensuring a pest-free interior environment.

Birmingham, UK

0121 819 0124